EECS 662

Programming Languages


EECS 662 Blog

Notes From State

As promised here are my notes from class covering mutable state through the end of the semester. I have not edited or otherwise tried to clean them up, but they do represent what we covered in class. For other topics the online text is far better prepared and much preferable.

There are a few topics - sums and products, errors, loops - that I removed from the end of these notes. Those topics are not on the exam. The exam topics end where these notes end.

Mutable State

The big difference between Haskell and C

... x=x+3 ; y=x++ ...

New Operations for Sequencing

bind x=(f a) in
  (g 3)
== ((lambda _ in (g 3)) (f a))

What’s happening besides substitution?

do { l’ <- eval l ;
     r’ <- eval r ;
     return (op l’ r’) }

What’s happening besides binding?


We tend to think of two programming paradigms:

What’s happening in this sequence? Where does x get a value?

x := 1; x := x + 1; x := x + 1; ...

:= (the walrus) is an assignment that updates a variable in the next state

x := x+1  ==  x’ = x+1

Adding State to FBAE

How is state different than environment?

  1. A Seq sequence operator
  2. Define a store
  3. Update eval to maintain state in addition to environment

New concrete syntax: t ; t

New abstract syntax: Seq::FBAE->FBAE->FBAE

Define sequence by elaboration: Seq l r == (App (Lambda x r) l)

eval e s Seq l r = do { s' <- eval e s l; eval e s' r }

Is state updated differently than environment?

Interesting syntax!

We’re being sloppy anyway, we’ll skip typing for now.

New operations and types for state

FBAE := new FBAE | deref FBAE | set loc FBAE
deref (new 5)
== 5
deref (set (new 5) 6)
== 6
bind l = new 2+3 in deref l [(l,->5)]
== (deref l) [(l,->5)]
== (deref ->5)
== 5
bind l = new 2+3 in                 [(l,->5)]
  set l ((deref l) + 1) ; (deref l) [(l,->5)]
== (set l 6) ; (deref l)
== (deref l)       [(l,->6)]
== 6
l := r == (set l (deref r))

l := l + 1
bind m = new 5 in      [(m,->5)]
  bind n = m in        [(n,->^)]
    set m 6 ; deref n  [()]
== 6
bind m = new 5 in
  bind n = m in
    bind n = new 5 in
      set m 6 ; deref n
== 5
bind inc = (lambda l in (set l ((deref l) + 1)))
  bind n = new 5
    inc n ; deref n


Store as a function with location as a number

We could use an array or a sequence, but let’s try a technique commonly used in formal modeling.

type Sto = Loc -> Maybe FBAEVal

type Loc = Int

Sto is the store and is a function from Loc to Maybe FBAEVal.

Why a Maybe?

What are good and bad memory locations?

What does this have to do with language design?

Memory contains FBAEVal. What does this imply?

What does this have to do with language design?

Dereferencing is just using the store as a function:

derefSto s l = (s l)

The initial store is a store with nothing in it.

initSto :: Sto
initSto x = Nothing

Updating the store is a bit trickier…

m0 is the new store using if

m1 is the new store again using if

m2 is the new store yet again using if

m3 is the new store yet again using if

… if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck …

setSto :: Sto -> Loc -> FBAEVal -> Sto
setSto s l v = \m -> if m==l then (Just v) else (s m)

The store becomes a collection of nested if statements. Not the most efficient, but it does what it’s supposed to for our purposes.

Putting things together to model memory:

type Store (Loc,Sto)

A location, store pair.

derefStore (_,s) l = (s l)

Dereferencing is accessing the memory location

initStore = (0,initSto)

Initialize memory is the initial, empty memory with a next value of 0.

setStore (m,s) l v = (m,setSto s l v)

Storing a new value

newStore (l,s) = (l+1,s)

Uh, we’re not storing anything are we?

Allocating memory location.

Integrating Mutable Store

How does store differ from environment?

Let’s add a constructor for locations

data FBAEVal =
  Loc :: Int -> FBAEVal

And a constructor in FBAE?

Seems simple enough

Our choices are important. Even the tiny ones.

How to implement mutability of Store??

Start with a new return value:

type Retval = (FBAEVal,Store)

Retval is the return value for our interpreter

What’s this for??

eval :: Env -> Store -> FBAE -> Maybe Retval

eval now takes an environment and a store.

What should an initial call to eval look like?

x:=x+1 ; x:=x+1

eval e s (Seq l r) = do {(v,s') <- (eval e s l) ;
                         (v',s'') <- (eval e s' r) ;
                         return (v',s'')}
eval e s (Set l t) = do {(v,s') <- (eval e s t) ;
						 (setStore s' l v)}
eval e s (Plus l r) = do {((NumV l'),s') <- (eval e s l) ;
                          ((NumV r'),s'') <- (eval e s' r) ;
                          return ((NumV l'+r'),s'')}

This passing of state is the new idiom:

eval e s (Deref t) = do {((Loc l'),s') <- (eval e s t) ;
                         (derefStore (Loc l') s'}

Let’s unpack New and figure out what’s going on:

eval e s (New t) = do { (v,(l,s)) <- eval e s t ;
                        return ((Loc l+1),(setStore (newStore (l,s)) s' v)) }

Wow. What the heck?

Let’s do this together…

What is the difference between a variable and an identifier?

We have utilities for mutable store that we should be able to use.

What things do we need to define?

We want to control the way that memory gets accessed.

Variable Declaration

var x:=t1 in t2 == bind x=new t1 in t2

var x:=0 in
var y:=1 in
var z:=3 in x+y+z

(deref (lookup x e) s) - value stored in the location stored in x

Variable Assignment

`x := v == (set x v)

Asn :: string -> FBAE -> FBAE

For example:

x := x+y+z

(set x v)

In many languages we will remove all location manipulating functions and just use var and assignment. Any reason for that?

Project 2 Posted

Project 2 is now available. We will talk about the due date in class on Tuesday, but I believe you can complete the entire project now. There may be just a couple of things remaining to be covered, but you can certainly get started if you would like.

Lambda Examples From Class

Following are examples using lambda from class. Note that I’ve done no proofreading, so the notes reflect the state they were in when my lecture ended.

(lambda x in x)
== (lambda x in x)
((lambda x in x) 5)
== [x->5]x
== 5

app evaluates a lambda applied to an expression

((lambda z in z) (lambda x in x))
== [z->(lambda x in x)] z
== (lambda x in x)

What function is this?

(((lambda x in (lambda y in x+y)) 3) 2)
== [x->3](lambda y in x+y)
== ((lambda y in 3+y) 2)
== [y->2]3+y
== 3+2
== 5

(lambda x y z ...) == (lambda x in (lambda y in (lambda z in ...)))
(((lambda x in (lambda y in x+y)) 1)
== (lambda y in 1+y)


((lambda x in (x 3)) (lambda z in z))
== [x->(lambda z in z)](x 3)
== ((lambda z in z) 3)
== 3

Functions as parameters. What’s this?

bind inc=(lambda x in x+1) in (inc 3) [(inc,(lambda x in x+1))]
== (inc 3)                            [(inc,(lambda x in x+1))]
== ((lambda x in x+1) 3)
== 3+1
== 4

Named lambda values are just like any other value.

bind inc=(lambda x in x+1) in     [(inc,(lambda x in x+1))]
  bind dec=(lambda x in x-1) in   [(dec,(lambda x in x-1)),(inc,(lambda x in x+1))]
    bind sqr=(lambda x in x*x) in [(sqr,(lambda x in x*x)),(dec,(lambda x in x-1)),(inc,(lambda x in x+1))]
      (inc (sqr (sqr 3)))
== ((lambda x in x+1) (sqr (sqr 3)))
== ((lambda x in x+1) ((lambda x in x*x) (sqr 3)))
== ((lamdba x in x+1) ((lambda x in x*x) ((lambda x i x*x) 3)))
== ((lamdba x in x+1) ((lambda x in x*x) (3*3)
== ((lamdba x in x+1) 9*9
== 1+81
== 82

More using $\lambda$-calculus:

(lambda y in y)(lambda x in x)
== [y->(lambda x in x)]y
== (lambda x in x)

f==(lambda y in y)
va == a==(lambda x in x)
(lambda x in x x) 3
== [x->3](x x)
== (3 3)
(lambda x in x x)(lambda y in y)
== [x->(lambda y in y)](x x)
== ((lambda y in y)(lambda y in y))
== [y->(lambda y in y)]y
== (lambda y in y)
(lambda x in x x)(lambda y in y y)
== [x->(lambda y in y y)](x x)
== (lambda y in y y) (lambda y in y y)
== [y->(lambda y in y y)](y y)
== (lambda y in y y) (lambda y in y y)

More examples using abstract syntax. Note that a few are not worked - I will do them in class.

((Lambda i s) a) == bind i a s
bind f = (lambda x in x) in
  (f 2)
== [f->(lambda x in x)](f 2)
== ((lambda x in x) 2)
== 2
bind n = 1 in
  bind f = (lambda x in x + n) in
    bind n = 2 in
      f 1
== bind f = (lambda x in x + 1) in
    bind n = 2 in
      f 1
== bind n = 2 in
      (lambda x in x + 1) 1
==  (lambda x in x + 1) 1
== 1+1
== 2

(f a) -> (App f a)

f(x)=x+1 == bind f = (lambda x in x+1) 
f(x,y)=x+y == bind f = (lambda x in (lambda y in x+y))
== f(x)=(lambda y in x+y)

Same problem as before - inefficient and kind of clumsy

Try again with environments:

Env = [(string,FBAE)]

eval e (Lambda i s) = 
eval e (App f a) = do {  }

eval e (Id i) = 

Same technique as bind - save the value and substitute later.

bind f = (lambda x in x) in      []
  (f f)                          

Seems to work quite nicely.

bind n = 1 in                     []
  bind f = (lambda x in x + n) in []
    bind n = 2 in                 []
      f 1

Oops… What happened here?

Bind Examples From Class

Following are examples using bind from class. Note that I’ve done no proofreading, so the notes reflect the state they were in when my lecture ended.

bind x=5 in x+x
== 5+5
== 10
bind x=5 in
  bind y=6 in x+y
== bind y=6 in 5+y
== 5+6
== 11
bind x=5 in
  bind x=6 in x+x
== bind x=6 in x+x
== 6+6
== 12
bind x=5 in
  bind x=6+x in x+x
== bind x=6+5 in x+x
== 11+11
== 22
bind x=5 in
  x + bind y=6 in x+y
== 5 + bind y=6 in 5+y
== 5 + 5 + 6
== 5 + 11
== 16
bind x=5 in
  x + bind x=6 in x+x
== 5 + bind x=6 in x+x
== 5 + 6 + 6
== 5 + 12
== 17
bind x=5 in
  x + y
== 5 + y
== !
bind x=x+1 in x
== !

Examples using abstract syntax.

eval (Bind x (Num 5)
		(Bind y (Num 6)
			(Plus (Id x) (Id y))))
== (Bind "y" (Num 6)
      (Plus (Num 5) (Id "y")))
== (Plus (Num 5) (Num 6))
== (Num 11)
eval (Bind x (Num 5) (Plus (Id x) (Id x))))
== (Plus (Num 5) (Num 5))
== (Num 10)
eval (Bind x (Num 5)
       (Bind x (um 6)
         (Plus (Id x) (Id x))))
== (Bind "x" (Num 6)
      (Plus (Id "x") (Id "x")))
== (Plus (Num 6) (Num 6))
== 12
eval (Bind x (Num 5)
       (Bind y (Num 5)
         (Bind x (Num 6)
           (Bind y (Num 4)
             (Bind z (Num 7)
               (Id z))))))

Examples using deferred substitution.

eval (Bind x (Num 5)               [("x",(Num 5))]
       (Bind y (Num 6)             [("y",(Num 6)),("x",(Num 5))]
         (Plus (Id "x") (Id "y"))))  [("y",(Num 6)),("x",(Num 5))]
== (Plus (Num 5) (Nun 6))
== 5+6
== 11
eval (Bind x (Num 5)               [("x",(Num 5))] -- Environment
       (Bind x (Num 6)             [("x",(Num 6)),("x",(Num 5))] -- Shadowing "x"
		 (Plus (Id "x") (Id "x")))   [("x",(Num 6)),("x",(Num 5))]
== (Plus (Num 6) (Num 6))
== 6+6
== 12
eval (Bind x (Num 5)               [("x",(Num 5))]
       (Bind x (Num 6)             [("x",(Num 6)),("x",(Num 5))]
		 (Plus (Num 6) (Id "y"))))   [("x",(Num 6)),("x",(Num 5))]
== (Plus (Num 6)) ????
== Nothing
eval (Bind x (Num 5)                     [("x",(Num 5))]
	   (Plus (Num 5)                       [("x",(Num 5))]
         (Bind x (Num 6)                 [("x",(Num 6)),("x",(Num 5))]
		   (Plus (Id "x") (Id "x"))))      []
== (Plus (Num 5) (Plus (Num 6) (Num 6)))
== 5 + 12
== 17
eval (Bind x (Num 5)                     [("x",(Num 5))]
         (Bind x (Num 6)                 [("x",(Num 6)),("x",(Num 5))]
		   (Plus 6 6))                     []
	     (Id "x")))                        []

No Class September 24

I am cancelling class on September 24 due to required personal travel. I’m not sure how we’ll make up the time, but I will let you know later in the semester.

TA Office Hours

Just updated the office ours for our TA. They are now 3-4 MW in his office Eaton 2011. You can reach him via email at

Project 1 Posted

I just updated the Project 1 description on the class website to include a due date of October 3.

Project 0 Posted

I just pushed the Project 0 description to our class website. You should be able to work all the exercises based on material presented in class. Make sure that you look at the utilities file before you start working on the project. There is some useful stuff in there that will make your life simpler. I will set a due date tomorrow in class.


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