Dr. Perry Alexander

The University of Kansas

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Underdressed at the Symphony - Faye Webster

Oh my. Faye Webster has an amazing album on her hands in Underdressed at the Symphony.

Opening tune “Thinking About You” just melts you into your chair. Cool singer songwriter groove executed perfectly with a simple bass, guitar, drums. Until what sounds like a glockenspiel. It works. Trust me. Works on the beach, in the mountains, driving with the sunroof open. Nothing pleases quite like this.

Next up is “But Not Kiss”. Title makes more sense if you know the opening line is “I want to sleep in your arms… but not kiss”. Marginally more jarring, but in a highly effective way. Still the same ensemble plus a few instruments and singer songwriter style, but you’re getting a bit more edge on this tune. Juxtaposes perfectly with “Thinking About You”. “I hope you’re okay… but I won’t ask”. Love it. “Wanna Quit All The Time” follows in a similar vein with lyrics about quitting various things. But form and style remain constant and it’s just great.

Then we veer left for “Lego Ring”. Lots of rhythm changes and enter Lil Yachty which should give a clue about where things are headed. Voice effects and a tiny bit harsher. Still great stuff.

All in all an even, steady album with a number of great songs and no throw aways. Only possible complaint is some degree of sameness, but that’s minor.

So why no radio play? I know what you’re saying, there is no radio Boomer. But still, Faye Webster should be talked about and heard. Feels like Josh Rouse and that’s high praise from me. Among the best albums of the year so far.